They are patterns of behavior that a leader adopts in influencing or guiding others.The performance of a group largely depends on a leader.

In a group there are leaders of official and unofficial standings. The official leaders are elected; nominated or appointed are also referred to as visible leaders.

Unofficial leaders are volunteers and don’t hold official position and are referred to as invisible leaders.

All leaders will fall in a three leadership styles.
• Autocratic/Authoritarian/Directing leaders
• Democratic/Authoritative leaders.
• Permissive/Laissez-faire/ Free reign leaders
• Situational leaders

Autocratic/Authoritarian/Directing leaders. Are dictators and monocratic leaders
Don’t allow others to make contributions in decision making and their decisions, no matter how unpopular they are, are taken.

They supervise closely what is been done. This leadership styles may be desirable if the leader is fair, understands his roles and he is results driven.

• It permits quick decision making as the leader doesn’t have to consult (a lot)
• Less competent staff leaves decision making to the competent.
• A person doesn’t participate in decision making.
• The group may dissolve if the group leader withdraws since other members are not competent.
• There is no freedom of speech, interaction or association.
Democratic/Authoritative leaders

It is also known as consultative leadership, people oriented or participative pattern of leadership.

They encourage maximum involvement for group members.
In this time decisions depends on the opinion of the majority.

The leaders allow people to plan, implement, evaluate and monitor their own work.
People share problems and risks of their decisions.
Democratic leadership works best with highly experiences people, high performers, high motivated and competent people who are very committed.

• Encourages participation
• Develops self-respect among members
• Gives room for new ideas
• Decisions are easily implemented
• Workers are motivated

• Time consuming
• Some members cannot handle complex issues thus delegation duties to them or involving them in decision making is burdening them.

Free reign/permissive laissez-faire leaders. Also referred to as delegate style of leadership
It is a free style kind of leadership where the leader is not directly supervising the workers.

They don’t involve themselves in group decisions but allow members to think independently. They can endorse the decision made by other members without questioning. Do not assist the group to achieve its set objectives.

They do not monitor or regulate progress of the group. Members decide what to do and when to do it. Do not assist the group to achieve its set objectives.

They do not monitor or regulate progress of the group. Members decide what to do and when to do it. The leader may assist with information and materials required to undertake the task.


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